Feature Friday - Natalie Hernandez

Feature Friday - Natalie Hernandez
Posted on 09/07/2022
This is the image for the news article titled Feature Friday - Natalie HernandezWe're featuring Edgewood Fine Arts Academy GEAR UP Coordinator, Natalie Hernandez, a 5-year EISD employee. We asked Natalie - "what makes your job so enjoyable?" Her immediate answer was her students and colleagues.

"I work with some of the kindest, funniest, and most talented students. They teach me so much. I also have a great relationship with the Fine Arts teachers, support staff, and administrators! They are very supportive of the GEAR UP program."

Natalie says she loves the Edgewood Community. Despite not being an Edgewood graduate, she still feels a strong connection. "Although I am not a product of Edgewood, I have very deep roots in this district. Both of my parents and their siblings are Edgewood High School graduates. It was a full circle moment when I realized that I serve students in the same hallways they once walked. It is the reason I am Edgewood Proud!"

Way to go Natalie! #EdgewoodProud

Feature Friday is a social media campaign that highlights the outstanding staff members in EISD.