Perales Elementary launches roadrunner news

Perales Elementary launches "Roadrunner News"
Posted on 08/24/2023
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At Perales STEAM Elementary School, morning announcements have a whole new look and sound. This week, students kicked off Roadrunner News, a news production for students and run by students.

Their days start very early, and what winds up on the broadcast via the school’s YouTube channel, is the product of the students’ hard work.  5th grade teacher Israel Lopez launched the program and helps guide this team of budding journalists.

“We meet Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school to practice and prepare for the broadcasts,” says Lopez. “The students then come in every morning at 7:15 to record and post the broadcasts.”

Roadrunner News is not part of a class. It is a club students can join if they’re interested in learning what goes into a broadcast. Even on this small scale, these 5th grade students are learning big things.

“This is a great opportunity for students,” says Lopez. “This program helps them develop and learn communication skills, tech skills and creative skills. It also allows them to develop leadership skills.”

This is the first year for the broadcast program at Perales STEAM Elementary. It is currently only open to 5th grade students, but there are plans to begin working with 4th grade students and possibly those in 3rd grade.

For more behind the scenes photos of "Roadrunner News" click HERE